sâmbătă, 10 septembrie 2011

ZERO to Infinite

You are born. You find yourself in a strange environment, you have to learn how to breath, how to drink, how to eat, ho to talk, how to survive...
You find yourself in the kindergarten/school. You have to find a way to interact with children, to learn all the strange new stuff about world, to understand all the abstract things you never knew about, to listen to the teachers, to behave nice, to be one of the best students in your class/school or, sometimes, only to find a way to pass from a year to another without the parents bothering you too much ;).
Wow! You reached the high school. You are great! What a big achievement! Your parents love you because you are such a genius! You get all the freedom you always wanted! You HAVE TO find a girlfriend/boyfriend because you are so special now... You try to smoke, you try to drink and only god knows what other stuff you try ;).
You are so cool! You reached the final year of the high school and you did whatever you wanted to. That's great! You feel that you are a grownup already! You've had all the girls/boys that you wanted, you had all the new and stunning experiences. You are ready for the "real life". Nobody knows more than you now :).
(Few of) You made it to the college. THIS IS REALLY COOL! You are looking around and see those guys/girls that are already working.... hmmm... that's simply "spoiling yourself" with a few more years off ;). You were smart enough to make it here. Now, the real fun starts. The age and "experience" is an advantage. It's so great! The exams are not a problem and you have all the fun in the world! Clubs, trips with your friends, parties so on... What a life! Please, God, make this last forever!
College is over and you start working. After a while you find a husband/wife and you get married. The love of your life! You find yourself with somebody who is not really like you and you start wondering about normality. You, the great person until now, you start wondering if you really are THAT special. How did you find that man/woman? She/He is not exactly what you expected... You, the great man/woman, see the person next to you doing the "normal" things you never expected. He/she should have been "special" this is why you chose him/her. What the hell happened? Your partner is nothing like your dad/mom used to be, at least, how did you end up like this? "I want back to my mom!!!! I don't need this!" :(((((( "Mom! Dad! Save me, please! I'm the great boy/girl you used to know! I want to come back to youuuuuuuu!" :( You either end up in a compromise or you divorce... Love doesn't take a lifetime, this is for sure...
You find yourself old... What an interesting life you had! You are so happy but, still, you have so many regrets... You have all these stories to talk about when your grand children are coming to see you... Of course, you will add a few interesting lies in order to impress them :), but who cares you are so old nobody will bother to say otherwise. They will be so happy about the stories they heard when they will leave you... And they will come again and again to find some more details about the past they never knew... you count the days until you will see them again 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1... 

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