joi, 25 august 2011

Then and now

The woman’s place, a century ago, was at home most probably taking care of her children, husband and her house.
The century went into a crazy speed and now the situation has totally changed. The women can be found very close to men in all the layers of the society.

“She’s waking up at 4:00 am in order to have time for shopping, work, homework with children, cooking, and maybe her husband if he’s not too tired coming from work. At the end of the day she is terrified that tomorrow the scenario will be the same”
Terrible! I don’t want to be her! Her husband is always unhappy: the cleaning not finished, the children are not ok, he is too tired to hear her every day complaining. He’s going to sleep, he’s not happy with her… Brrr… It looks like going back in the past and even worse.

“- I have to leave today asap! I’m in the beauty salon, please find me a flight! she said almost panicked”.
She manages to reach home, packs, convinces the taxi driver to break all the traffic rules, gets to the airport, buys the ticket and reopens the already closed check in, gets into the airplane and reaches her destination.
Unbelievable isn’t it? She looks like a modern witch … Charming, always smiling and looking like nothing can beat her. And last but not least dressed “to kill” :).

            “8:00 – wake up
              8:00 – 8:30 –  Beauty and/or Breakfast
              8:30 – 9:30 Going to the office
              9:30 – 9:45 – Morning coffee
  9:45 – 18:30 – Another detailed plan of what she has to do while in the  
  18:30 – Leaving the office (if nothing urgent occurs)
  19:15 – 19:30 – Talking to her girlfriends about how to kill time (going to party, bars, clubs so on)
              20:00 – 24:00 – “Spare time” “
             This looks like the always planned, office girl, who believes that everybody in society has to do his job, as per his studies: the cleaning woman cleans, the chef cooks, the babysitters are taking care of the babies so on.  She doesn’t cook, she’s not washing dishes, she does “only her job”, because she studied a lot for this, right? Don’t say otherwise, she will feel offended.
            Kind of extreme, isn’t it? I know her name :).

            So complicated :)....

Locul femeii acum o suta de ani era acasa, cel mai probabil, si se ocupa de copii, sot si casa.
Secolul a intrat intr-o viteza nebuna iar situatia s-a schimbat in totalitate. Femeile pot fi gasite alaturi de barbati in toate nivelurile societatii.

“Se trezeste la 4:00 am pentru a avea timp de cumparaturi, job, teme pentru acasa cu copiii, gatit, si poate si pentru sotul ei daca acesta nu este prea oboist cand vine de la servici. La sfarsitul zilei este ingrozita de faptul ca maine scenariul se va repeta”.
Teribil! Nu vreau sa fiu ea. Sotul ei este mereu nemultumit: curatenia nu e completa, copiii nu sunt ok, este prea oboist sa o asculte plangandu-se in fiecare zi. Sotul merge la culcare, nu e multumit deloc de ea… Brrrr… Arata ca si cum ne-am intoarce in trecut… poate chiar mai rau.

“- Trebuie sa plec asap! Sunt la cosmetica, te rog sa-mi gasesti un zbor! Zise ea aproape panicata”.
Reuseste sa ajunga acasa, impacheteaza, il convinge pe soferul de taxi sa incalce toate regulile de circulatie posibile, ajunge la aeroport, cumpara ultimul bilet si redeschide checkin-ul deja inchis, urca in avion si ajunge la destinatie.
Incredibil nu e asa? Arata ca o vrajitoare moderna… Imi place :). Fermecatoare, intotdeauna zambitoare si aratand de parca nimic nu o poate dobora. Si, nu in ultimul rand, imbracata incantator!

            “8:00 – Trezirea
              8:00 – 8:30 – Cosmetica si/sau mic dejun
              8:30 – 9:30 - Merge la birou
              9:30 – 9:45 – Cafeaua de dimineata
  9:45 – 18:30 – Un alt plan detaliat despre ce va face la birou.
  18:30 – Pleaca din birou (daca nu apare ceva urgent)
  19:15 – 19:30 – Vorbeste cu prietenele despre cum sa-si “omoare timpul”
              20:00 – 24:00 – “Timp liber” “
             Pare persoana planificata, care lucreaza intr-un birou si care crede ca fiecare individ din societate are un rol bine definit: femeia de servici face curat, bucatarul gateste, bonele au grija de copii etc. Ea nu gateste, nu spala vase, se ocupa doar de servici, doar a studiat foarte mult pentru asta, nu? Sa nu o contraziceti, se simte jignita.
             Un pic cam extrema nu? Ii stiu numele :).

            Atat de complicat :).


I’m watching you…  How beautiful I am!
I can’t help my self to stop and to stare
I love … me, oh aren’t you glad?
To have such a friend it isn’t that bad.

miercuri, 24 august 2011


You tell me you love me
But you’re a big liar.
You tell me you miss me
But this is not true.
The kiss I’m receiving
It’s not really you…

I’m waiting the raindrops
To wash me away
To clean all my sins,
To ask me to pay
For all the mistakes that I made in the past.
You know that my love
It’s true, but won’t last.

So run, I won’t chase you,
Run as fast as you can.
I’ll pretend I don’t know,
I’ll pretend I don’t care,
I’ll pretend that the love that has killed me by now
It’s just an illusion, it’s nothing, it’s gone.