miercuri, 19 martie 2014

Immortal memories

"The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy."

Fantasy with fantasy, reality with reality.
Sometimes our past is "playing" in front of our eyes. Places, events, lost loves... Memories. It's a magic world that unlocks once in a while and makes our present sometimes more pleasant. You can't stop wondering and asking yourself: "What if...". "How nice it was ..", "How impressive the place was..", "How much I loved ...", or "... was the love of my life"... 
These precious memories are feeding our imagination and enchanting our soul.
"What if" should stay as it is. Memories are sacred. Don't touch them. They are memories, they have to remain in the past.
Step over your curiosity and keep them as special as they are now.
If you ever try to unlock the past I should warn you: time is passing and is leaving marks on everything. If you ever try to touch the key of the passed memories you might end up "breaking the magic". Don't do that... Keep that magic image you already have if you don't want to find an old friend on whom the time has left its marks, if you don't want to find a town where you can't retrieve anymore the places you remember or they are dramatically changed. 
Instead, feed your chest with more wonderful memories that will enchant you again and again.
Don't forget to live your life in the present and try to learn from the past.

P.S. To somebody who decided to bring the past long gone into the present... Such a pity... One dream less to dream...

....and the airplane has landed ...